Fresh or Saltwater getaways

While we always love to explore the fisheries right in our backyard, sometimes we need to escape to other corners of the world for a change of scenery. When it comes to fly fishing travel we believe that attention to detail and developing a trusting relationship with our clients is key to successful trips. For those reasons we have chosen to partner with Fly Water Travel to assist our customers in choosing the right destination that meets their needs.

Along with making sure your trip runs smoothly we believe first hand knowledge of a location is also a factor for success. The staff at Fly Water Travel has "been there done that" and they want to pass their knowledge on to you. They have traveled to all of the lodges and destinations they represent and have selected them because the owners and operators of them have the same passion to ensure that you have a safe and rewarding experience.

Fly Water Travel

Searching for the Ghost of the Flats.
Photo by Michael Visintainer

Fly Water Travel has a very extensive list of fly fishing destinations and packages to meet your needs. Whether you are a trout bum, a saltwater flats junkie, or crazy steelhead addict they have you covered. While we have obviously not been to every location, Fly Water Travel has and we would love to help you get set up on one of their amazing adventures. Give us a shout, tell us what your looking to do... and let us make your fly fishing dreams become reality!

Photos by Michael Visintainer
Cuda on the Fly. Bahamas Sunrise.

Click here to get more info from Fly Water Travel.

Fly Water Travel, 479 Russell Street, Suite 103 . Ashland, OR 97520