Anglers have been captivated by the St. Joe River's stunning beauty and world class cutthroat fishing for decades. Its rugged beauty not only captures the soul, but fishing the St. Joe River will leave you dreaming of returning year after year. The "Joe" cascades through the Idaho Panhandle for over 80 miles offering anglers plenty of fishable water. The St. Joe is a true Westslope Cutthroat stream with fish that range 12-16" on average and plenty of cutthroat that will go bigger. Take a guided trip on the St. Joe River and you will certainly fall in love with this amazing river and it's fish.
Like many of the West's rivers, the St. Joe has spectacular dry fly fishing through most of the season. Similar to other Idaho rivers, the St. Joe sees prolific BWO, March Browns, Skwala Stones, and Salmonflies hatches in the early season. As spring progresses towards summer, hatches of Pale Morning Dun Mayflies, Green Drakes, Golden Stones, Yellow Sally, and Caddis keep the fish looking up. Summer time heat brings out the grasshoppers and ants making this a fun "hopper/dropper" fishery. Great fishing continues into mid October with excellent hatches of Mahogany Dun, BWO, and October Caddis.
Book your guided trip now 509-924-9998The St. Joe River is a larger drainage to lake Coeur d'Alene making it floatable spring through fall. Depending on winter conditions and spring runoff we can begin floating the river late February when the river thaws and flows are good. Floating pressure is light on this river so we prefer to guide our clients via drift boat.